Welcome to Cyber-BEAR Web HomeHandling your computer and multimedia needs
Cyber-BEAR was started in 1996, by Theodore Buehler, with the goal to fill the computer, multimedia, and business needs for the fellow business person, artisan, and others and to help them achieve their goals. Cyber-Bear seeks partnerships with our customers to achieve the highest quality and value from our services. I strive to provide my customers with more then they thought they could find at a fair price and of the highest quality. [e-mail Cyber-BEAR]
Services we offer: Cyber-Bear specializes in web development, the complete process. From concept to full public launch of the site including the registering of the site with search engines and any other web needs our client may have. We use not only HTML but also Perl and JavaScript in developing web sites and creating inter-active forms. Cyber-BEAR also offers database design and development, some multimedia needs (such as color catalog production), and other services to fit your needs. The best way to judge my talent is to visit my clients web sites. [jump to clients] I also provide training, hardware, software, and network support for Apple Macintosh, Windows based computers (3.1 & 95), and UNIX. In regards to software I support all types but specialize in Adobe, Apple, Claris, Microsoft, Netscape, Microsoft IE and more. If you require training in an application I can learn it rather quickly and train you and your company. I have trained over 1,000 people at Bristol-Myers Squibb in many applications including the creation of manuals and training material. If you have a need, ask, and we will see what we can do to satisfy the need. Prices and full definitions of our services will be posted but our site is currently under development. My clients site development is more vital then mine and thus my site may suffer to increase the quality of my clients sites. I enjoy a challenge, any request for and internet presence or some content will be looked investigated and made to work if possible. If you have a question on our prices or services please e-mail me and I can work with you. [e-mail Ted Buehler]
Current Full Time Employment:
I believe my clients site is more important them mine and should therefore get the lions share of the attention and development. Client List:
The best statement of my work is the site in action so please visit my clients.
Please stop back as my site will continue to evolve, thank you for your time.